“You are a conscious creator and you want Soul-aligned acceleration for your business.
You know that as a conscious creator your personal and business transformation must happen in parallel. You are ready to support your own growth, healing and empowerment as well as that of your business in a holistic, heart-led way.
You are looking forward to sharing your sacred offerings with the world in alignment to your Soul, in a way that is personally fulfilling, abundant and joyful for you and those you serve.”
I created this private mentoring program for conscious entrepreneurs committed to personal, spiritual and business evolution who truly wish to birth creations into the New Earth that contribute to a more harmonious and better world for all.
This program helps you dive deep into all aspects of your personal and business paradigms in order to truly empower you and your creative expression.

Some of the things we will explore together include:

Business Mapping
A comprehensive (stand-alone process of can be combined with a private mentoring program) process to explore all the paradigms of your business like money, marketing, team, services, message, vision, clients and more and uncovering where there is flow and where there is contraction or limitation in your business and why. This overview is incredibly helpful in understanding where your business needs to shift in order for growth and expansion. This is something that can be re-visited and deepened at different times through the program to allow for more to unfold and to see the growth and change you have moved through
Find out more about Business MappingBusiness Constellations
This is all about the people. This can include you and your team if you have one or you and contractors, clients or other significant people that relate to your business reality. This uncovers alignments, misalignments, relating issues, energy interplay, Soul lessons and more that dramatically affects your business reality. Clearing, resolving, healing and balancing energy here has a profound effect on all the people aspects of your business which is a huge part of a successful and aligned business experience.
Unhealed emotional wounds projecting into your business
Unhealed emotional wounds, projections or imbalanced energies do and will project into your business reality. As a conscious entrepreneur, you are in a powerful phase of growth on multiple levels. Your Soul is guiding you toward healing and empowerment as you move through your life experiences and it will use your business reality (because it's such a big focus in your life) to activate what needs healing. We look at all of these and work to heal, resolve and balance them in order for your business matrix to expand and flourish.

Personal patterns and programs
Limiting patterns can totally derail business flow. These energies can contract, distort or sabotage aspects of your business. Working with these energies forms a large part of exploring, healing and empowering you and your business matrix and brings you back into alignment with your power and business potential. Being willing to uncover and balance these energies allows for massive growth and potential.

Personal shadow projections into your business
Shadow aspects show up in all business realities. We look at where you are consciously and unconsciously sabotaging, fearful, avoidant, resistant and getting in your own way. All of these shadow behaviours come from aspects of you that need love, healing, support and integration. Personal shadow integration is one of the most powerful ways to radically transform and accelerate your creative path and expression.
Unresolved energies affecting your business expansion
We look at everything that emerges as relevant. Issues from your past, other people's energy, shadow energies, ancestral patterns, Soul contracts, timeline aspects and more. It's incredible how much we carry and how much is going on in our vast multidimensional being and how this impacts our here and now reality. This is deep and impactful transformation that will bring you into your power and purpose.
Soul alignment, embodiment and expansion
Your Soul alignment is about your truth, your power, your unique essence, what you are really Soul-guided to do, express, create and share. As a conscious entrepreneur, you are all about alignment to your Soul. This work helps shift and balance your ego, mind-projected false drivers, facades and distractions so you can step more into your gifts, true power, aligned offerings, creativity and more to expand your joyful and abundant Soul-aligned business in accordance with what really nourishes you as a Soul.

Personal empowerment
Where are you disempowered, giving power away, people-pleasing, sacrificing your boundaries, taking on what is not yours, enmeshed or co-dependent with other people? Where are you entangled with energies, beliefs or influences that are no longer serving you or your highest good? Stepping into personal power is an essential part of a Soul-aligned business. Once this starts to shift in your business space, forward momentum and growth is exponential.

Vision expansion and acceleration
We look at and deepen your true vision while clearing what is not aligned, wound or pattern-driven, distorted or no longer relevant for you within your business. This sounds easy and light but it can go very very deep and illuminate a great deal to support you to step into alignment, power and expansion. This is key and core to your joy, your fulfilment and your Soul-aligned dreams manifesting.
Money and abundance
Money is one of the key areas wound projection shows up. Your unhealed wounds, patterns and limitations negatively affect your money and abundance reality. We uncover and transform these projections that are sabotaging your business. Shifting these energies expands your abundance reality, client flow and business potential.
We explore so much more:
All the emotional, energetic and metaphysical aspects of your ideal client (ICA), branding, products and services, pricing, relationship to self, self-worth, visibility, magnetism, business model and so much more.
We create space to allow for anything and everything in your multi-dimensional being and reality to emerge holistically to guide us through your healing, empowerment, embodiment and actualisation journey.

The sessions unfold organically in priority order
The sessions support you wherever you are at based on what you need. We can explore all topics and areas of development and questions you have and just what is on your mind, present and current as you flow through life and business.

Shelley Riutta
Founder of Holistic Business School. Illinois. USA
Nicole Gibson
CEO at Love Out Loud. London
Abby Clemence
Head of Fundraising - Global at IAPF. Gold Coast Australia
This program is for you if:
If you are ready to align to your highest Soul expression, accelerate your business dream into the world and heal, integrate and transcend limitations, this private mentoring experience could be for you.
Private Mentoring for Conscious Entrepreneurs 12 Month Program
Private Mentoring for Conscious Entrepreneurs 6 Month Program
Private Mentoring for Conscious Entrepreneurs 3 Month Program
All positions in my Private Mentoring Program are by application only. Due to the high level of support offered there are very limited places available per year.

What happens in the private transformation sessions?
Every session is based on priority. Together we look at your business and personal matrix, areas of concern, areas of focus and your questions as well as what just naturally emerges.
Often, where we really need to focus is not what is logical or easily seen but is a deeper factor. We also look at immediate issues and what is right in front of you at the time, so we approach your transformation holistically and in a grounded way so you can take real-world physical changes into your business as well as move through energy shifts.
After discussion and exploration, I guide you into an intuitive transformation process where we clear and heal, integrate and activate and call forward what comes through as most supportive and important for you.
We always aim for clearing what is in the way of your Soul path unfoldment and best business matrix alignment. We look at immediate concerns and long term vision, at what you most need right now and what you can let go of. We focus on support around how to navigate and continue creating in your business, what practical follow up and actions might be aligned for you and how to manage challenges and decision points in your personal and business life.
In our first session, we set up an intention and an energetic container for the program. Within the overall goals, we allow whatever is necessary to emerge in the vastness of your being so we are always working at the deepest and highest level and can truly call forward the transformation that will most serve you.
How and where we have sessions:
All sessions are remote online via ZOOM. I am currently based in QLD Australia, Brisbane AEST timezone.

What does support between sessions mean?
The reason this program is so comprehensive and supportive is that between sessions you are able to contact me for support, reflection and guidance.
This level of support is what can make the difference between a good session and an incredible, unfolding experience.
This kind of support is designed to unfold in a co-empowered and aligned way to support you into the best experience and outcome possible. It’s not designed to create a crutch for you, but rather to support momentum toward your goals and expansion.
This means I will always respond based on what is in the highest good for you. Sometimes guidance and reflection is absolutely available, but at other times it may not be direct guidance that is appropriate but perhaps another kind of support, information, reminder or resource.
You might reach out in the following circumstances:
I always consult your Higher Self and Highest Good in all situations of support.

What does healing between sessions mean?
Remote healing is done remotely, without you being present. I create sacred space and tune in to you as if it were a session but just focus on the one key issue.
I am able to identify triggers and charge, invasions or attachments, emotions or fears, patterns and programs and other spiritual energies and aspects affecting you on any level.
I am always guided as to whether this is necessary or appropriate at the time based on what I pick up and what guidance I receive from your Higher Self.
You may be supported by remote healing in the following circumstances:
I welcome you into this powerful container, expansion and experience.